Sexy & Sophisticated Love Stories xx
About Me
Hi there! I'm LB, an American author based in perpetually sunny Southern California. I've spent my entire life enraptured by the sheer transformative power of the written word, and in December 2018, I published my first romance novel, Swan Lake, a contemporary reimagining of the beloved ballet. In addition to writing, I am a professional marketeer, a baker, an animal-lover, a tree-hugger, a perpetual wanderluster, and a massive art history nerd. An optimist at heart, aficionada of luxury, and true believer in happily ever afters, I strive to tell memorable, passionate stories that can intrigue, challenge, arouse, and most importantly, inspire.
I hope you enjoy my novels!
-LBA 1

Interviews + Press
October 2020
Want to listen to me talk about sex? Check out my episode of Steam Scenes! I had so much fun chatting with talented author Elle Greco on her new podcast about all things steam, including what makes a great one, how to write one, as well as some of my favorites!